Kristin Garwood
I am hoping to get my twitterive done on Sunday.  I am seeing my crazy friends who happen to be my main characters on Saturday.  We will probably go bowling then come home and drink some beer and jump on the new trampoline that they just got.  We might also be driving the 4-wheelers which are also new.  There is no telling what kind of shannigans we will get ourselves into, but it should make for a great story.  Im looking forward to pulli
I have to say that poetry is not my strong suite.  When given the assignment, I was overwhelmed.  I am usually good with coming up with a haiku that makes no sense at all, but I want my writing to make sense.  I like writing short stores (a lot!!) One of these Summer's I will put my mind to writing a short story.  When given the micro-fiction assignment...that was right up my alley.  I wrote that story for my Writing Children's Stories class that took two summer's ago.  It was a true story based on my mom and her older sister playing hide and seek.  They did in fact find a snake in the basement.  I thought "hey there's a story!" Found poetry was also difficult. Luckily I had my tweets to go off of and it seems like everyone liked a couple of the lines.  Twitter is something I never thought I would enjoy doing.  In fact I had to do it for another class and I deleted it as soon as the class ended.  Now that's not to say that I won't do the same
1. The Internet in this room hates me

2. Another day of day closer to May 13th:)
3. I want to win the lottery
4. I hate when people come to my place of employment drunk of there ass to the point where I have to call the cops...
5. Got home from work at 1:30 am went to dennys with a bunch of crazy fools then walmart. Got back home around 4am ha
6. Unfamilar place-kinda check. Mile marker 38 on 55 on my way to work rocking out to aerosmith "dude looks like a lady"
7. I love Thursdays approximently 6:30pm cause my weekend starts:) although I work every weekend
8. Workinggggggg yup

9. I loveee snow days!!!
10. how have you never been to Five Guys??!!! Greatest place ever!!

Dude looks like a lady on Rt. 55 on my way to work
I sure will be happy on May 13
Getting done work at 1:30am is pretty crappy
Must be a Five Guys kinda day

However I do love snow days
Yup, and my job
If I could win the lottery
I wouldn't have to worry about the drunks that make me call the cops

6:30pm my weekend will start
 hopefully no drunks will show up for Justin Beiber
unless of course they are 12
in which case they will be "AHHHH ITS JUSTIN BEIBER"




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Snake in my basement

You better not be lying

Really, this tiny thing?

There is a Snake in my Basement!

One afternoon Sydney and Savannah decided to play hide and seek in the basement of their house.  The basement was very dark because there were only two lights.  The steps to go down are very steep and you have to be careful when walking down there.  The girls had three other sisters, Tori, Emily, and Vanessa.  Sydney and Savannah loved their sisters but sometimes they just wanted to play by themselves.  Sydney was the oldest sister.  She was very bossy, but she was nice.  Savannah was second oldest.  She was sweet and innocent and never did anything wrong.  Their dad was the nicest man in the whole world.  People may view him as not approachable, but who can blame him?  He is outnumbered with five daughters and a wife.

Page 2

“I want to hide first,” said Savannah.  As she was looking for a spot to hide, her sister was counting to 15.

Page 3

“….13, 14, 15, ready or not here I come!” Sydney said.  She found Savannah very quick because of the sneeze she let out.  “Found ya!” she said.

Page 4

“Okay you hide now, Syd,” said Savannah.  Sydney looked and looked in the dark, scary basement for a spot to hide.  There were a few loose boards downstairs so she made sure not to step on them because she didn’t want a splinter or for them to creek.  She finally found a spot to hide.

Page 5

“….13, 14, 15, ready or not here I come,” Savannah said.  As she looked for her sister, she heard a loud screech.

“Savannah! There is a snake down here.  Sydney just kept screaming then Savannah saw it and she started screaming. (There will be a picture of the snake here)

Page 6

“Daddy! There is a snake down here,” she screamed.  The two girls ran into the corner as fast as they could to get away from the six inch snake.  (a picture of the snake moving pretty slowly)

Page 7

“Girls, said their Dad.  If I put on my boots and come downstairs and there is not a snake you will be in big trouble.  This is the third time you have said this.  The other two times there was no snake and I was really upset with you.”

“Dad there really is a snake, hurry!,” said Sydney.

Page 8

As their father came down the steps he was kept on going on about the girls lying and they were going to be in trouble if there was no snake.  “You have got to be kidding me, he said.  This is what you were afraid of.”  He picked up the snake, carried back up the steps, and threw it outside. (Dad picking up the snake and putting it outside)

Page 9

“It was scary, Daddy!” the girls screamed.  “It showed up out of no where.”

“It was a tiny snake, he said.  I was expecting a three foot snake that was slithering all around down here.”

“We didn’t lie to you, though.  So we aren’t in trouble, right,” said Savannah in a questioning voice.

Page 10

“No, but next time if there is a snake, do not scream like you are getting hurt.  The snake is outside now.  From now on if you want to play hide and seek you play upstairs where you will not get hurt and also include your sisters.  They want to play with you two and you should teach them how to play the games you play.

“Okay,” said the girls.

The last page will be a picture of another snake in the basement.

How to Tame a Wild Tounge and Borderlands/La Frontera were interesting reads.  How to Tame a Wild Tounge makes me relate to my American/English Grammar teacher who does not speak English very well.  She speaks Spanish as her first language.  We can for the most part understand her, but for such a class, the teacher should speak English as a first language.  For this class, we have to write a paper related to the English language.  I am choosing to do my paper on the correct usages of "there," "their," and "they're." For Anzaldua, I am sure this was difficult for her to learn.  I am happy that English is my native tounge because there (ha) are many meanings and usages for many words.  English is probably one of the more difficult languages to learn.  Borderlands/La Frontera, was a difficult read.  I did not really understand

In the first one called "Wrong Channel" I had to keep reading it over again.  I had to make sure the doctor actually said "TB" and not "TV."  The interpreter kept telling Barbarita that she need to get a TV and that her daughter's TV needed to get tested.  It's almost as though Mima does not want Barbarita to have a green card because she is telling her all the wrong things.

"Mockingbird." Yeah definitlely did not get it.  Are Peter and Rachel married? If so, are they having problems? Peter went off to Mexico to play tennis.  Are the kids mentioned, their kids?

"Land's End" also confused me.  Its seems like she is running on the beach, but she also met someone by the equator.  The house that has the notebook in it, seems like it might be a rental.  Almost as though the notebook is a guest book.

I do not like the way "Waiting" ended.  I would have loved to hear more about her date.  She hates her substitute teacher job.  The onlly thing she looks forward to is doughnuts and coffee, which she wil not get.  It does not help that she is the lowest paid sub, all subs she'l

This peice confused the heck out of me, but I'll do my best at writing my thoughts about it.

For one, it seems as though Sallie has no emotion.  She is the one that wraps the sheet around her because she got cold.  During another part in the story she has soft feet but the base is rough.  "...puts her feet up shoeless and I reach to touch them and the base of them is hard like some semi-shelled animal but only at the base."  It just seems like she does not care that her feet look like that.  I am very self conscience about my feet so the fact that she seems so secure bothers me.  "...the rest of her foot being soft, oiled almost so smooth, the thin blue veins wrapping themselves around the inside ankle bone..." I like this phrase a lot.  Its almost like you can imagine what her feet look like.  Its like Sallie is a ghost...