Kristin Garwood

Oral History

These are the interviews!


Interview One-Raw Milk Advocate Sherry Clarince

Mrs. Clarence has had first hand experience in the affects of both pasteurized and raw milk.  For her family, raw milk has had a much healthier outcome.  Her children who were raised on raw milk are much healthier than the ones who started first with pasteurized milk.  During our interview, she shared her knowledge of the history and production of both pasteurized and raw milk.  Her own knowledge and experience has stood as testimony for those attempting to legalize raw milk.

Interview Two-Registered Dietician Pamela Shoenfeld

In this interview, Pamela Schoenfeld R.D., shared the misconceptions many Americans have of nutrition and the effects the American government has on our nutrition in general.  In the conversation, one of the topics which came up was raw milk.  Though she cannot suggest it to her clients because it is illegal in New Jersey, she does drink it herself.  In fact, she has created the number one advocate group for it in New Jersey, Garden State Raw Milk. Tthey have been pushing a bill through congress that would allow the legalization of raw milk in New Jersey.
Oral history collaborated on with Erica Zolinas
Note: Erica's page and my page are going to be slightly different (because I like pink, and she does not:))