Kristin Garwood

Research Questions

  1. Raw milk is illegal, but should it really be?  (a look at the benefits and/or risks of raw milk)
  2. A study of homegrown foods; are they really as beneficial as people say they are? (A personal study involving gardening)
  3. Mom and pop shops vs grocery stores; how are they healthier?
  4. Does organic really taste any different than non-organic?
  5. Can you afford to live an organic life style?
  6. How does starting a child off organic affect their growth?
  7. Is there psychological benefits to healthier foods vs unhealthy ones?
  8. School lunches - how healthy are they really?
  9. Organic foods - can they cure diseases?
  10. A look at a "normal", vegetarian, and vegan lifestyle.
Note - This was a compilation of possible topics for our collaborative research paper.  We decided on number 1.